Tiny Review: They Live

Classic and Corny John Carpenter, 1988. Starring Roddy Piper and Keith David, the most epic black voice since James Earl Jones. Semi-satirical, though not entirely successful in its approach, this movie seems to have contributed to Shepard Fairey’s earliest visual inspirations (Fairey fans, correct me if I’m wrong) because there are ‘obey’ signs and propaganda visuals all throughout the film. Pretty good flick, but a little too slow paced for my liking,

VERY 80’s low budget feel (It IS John Carpenter, after all,) plus one very asinine and comically long fistfight between Piper and David that could’ve been resolved entirely by one simple explanation, or a simple “Please” on Piper’s part. Guess they really, really felt the need to shoehorn a fight scene in there. Also stars one of my favorites, Meg Foster, whose eyes I want to have sex with. Best natural eyes EVER.

Glad I finally saw it, can’t believe I never have, but too many lulls to ever really feel like sitting through it again.

Viewed and Available via Netflix (DVD) 6.5

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80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist
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