Generic Blog Post #34578


Well, it looks like I’m back on a semi-normal schedule this week after being stuck in reverse for the last two weeks. I’ve been moving domains over from my old server to the new for what seems like forever. Fortunately there are only a couple of little hurdles left and I’ll be done with that sucky project.

House of the Dead: Overkill arrived this week via Gamefly, and it’s fun. Very fun. Total rip-off of Grindhouse in every way imaginable (right down to the logo fonts) but I guess that’s a big part of its charm. Totally over-the-top, non-stop F-bombs, ultra-violence and goofy characters. I will eventually buy this, but for now I’m returning it so that I can hopefully snag Resident Evil 5 from GF when it’s released… I’m still on level 7 of my Dead Space Impossible run, anyway…

New Propagandhi arrived this weekend, and is awesome…

I finally saw the third Mummy movie. It was decent. I find the Mummy movies and the National Treasure movies to be basically new Indiana Joneses. All of the right elements are present (Well, except Harrison Ford.) I thought some of the visual effects were really really impressive, which was surprising because most of the effects in the other two Mummy movies kind of suck… I missed Rachel Weisz, but Isabella Leong made up for that…

Still haven’t seen Watchmen, but I’m hoping to go early one afternoon this week…

I’m pretty psyched about this. Viva la Science.

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80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist
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